Obituary for an Object

On October 20th, 2007, the gold leaf pin passed away peacefully in her home. Her birthdate and hometown are unknown, but relatives believe gold leaf pin was from a large department store in Seattle, possibly from the 1950s. Gold leaf pin was shapely, poised, and had a twinkle in her diamond eye. Friends said she was friendly to all she encountered and lead a fine life.

Her first partner was Laura Lee Robinson Holmes, a housewife and artist in the small town of Walla Walla, WA. Laura Lee often spent time with gold leaf pin, taking her to parties with the finest echelon of society. Gold leaf pin made many elegant and sophisticated acquaintances, never straying far from Laura Lee's shoulder. It wasn't until the early 1990s that Laura Lee passed away, leaving gold leaf pin in the guardianship of her son, John Holmes. John never wore the pin himself, nor did his wife, Patricia Clark Holmes. Gold leaf spent several years resting in Laura Lee's old wooden jewelery box, among friends and memories. Sadly, the 1990s were hardly accommodating to a gold leaf pin. Occasionally, John and Patricia's daughter, Emily, took out gold leaf pin to play with Laura Lee's old silk dresses. It wasn't until June 22nd, 2007, that gold leaf pin went out into the outside air. Gold leaf pin accompanied Emily to Karianna Ball and Brandon Allum's wedding in Pioneer Park, Walla Walla, WA. Emily was wearing an unfortunate taupe-colored, mass-produced bridesmaid gown; gold leaf pin added a much needed sense of personality, history, and vitality to the event. This would be the last time gold leaf pin graced the world with her presence. She lived in Emily's Olympia home for her last days, laying quietly on the blue shelf.

Submitted by Emily on Wed, 10/24/2007 - 8:07am. Emily's blog | login or register to post comments | printer friendly version